Gibson 1958 Korina Flying V Mini Guitar Replica

These little imitation model guitars are authorized reproductions of famous Gibson(TM) instruments. Using actual wood and metal tuning keys, each handcrafted 1:4 scale ornamental replica guitar is unique. Each guitar model measures around 10 inches long and includes a premium miniature adjustable A-frame stand and guitar case gift box. Although they are not playable, Axe Heaven miniature replicas are beautiful.

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These little imitation model guitars are authorized reproductions of famous Gibson(TM) instruments. Using actual wood and metal tuning keys, each handcrafted 1:4 scale ornamental replica guitar is unique. Each guitar model measures around 10 inches long and includes a premium miniature adjustable A-frame stand and guitar case gift box. Although they are not playable, Axe Heaven miniature replicas are beautiful.

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SKU HL00328093